Hi Everyone…..
I am back with some tips and fun facts you all might like!
Mnemonics Edition #1
Mnemonics is the art of assisting own memory by using a system of artificial aids such as, rhymes, rules, phrases, diagrams, acronyms and others; all to help in the recall of names, dates, facts and figures.
So,have you ever thought how to even memorize all the difficult answer and formulas and other stuff in a fun and easy manner?
Here’s a way you can remember them.It is very easy and once you read them you will know everything like a pro!
These things are quite hard to remember.But not anymore!
Mrs Nerg is an easy method to remember the characteristics of living things. Here’s how-
Easy right!
M stands for movement-as in all creatures move be it plants or animals
R stands for respiration.All of us breathe to survive.
S stands for sensitivity.We all respond to our surroundings.
N stands for nutrition.Different animals eat different food for their energy.
E stands for excretion.All species excrete.
R stands for reproduction.Animals give birth to babies of their own kind
G stands for growth.Every species on Earth grows until it dies.
Now it will be very easy to learn this,right?
Thank You for reading this article
Niceda Kannamma.
Super da kannamma. All the best. Looking for another interesting post
Dear Akshara,
A good and quick article to read. Congrats on your first Blog. Way to go.
Great start, Akshara! Congrats on your first blog post!
Hi Akshara !
WOW……Really an interesting way to remember things .Good Start…Way to Go .
Super akshara akka
Thank You !
I will also add a new post